SLE Course

Get the knowledge and confidence you need to pass your French exams. 

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Canadian Federal Employees French Exam

You are a Canadian federal employee and want to advance in your career? You will definitely have to take the French language exams for the civil service to become a manager and achieve your professional goals.


After successfully assisting numerous civil servants, I offer you a comprehensive program to reach your dream level (BBB,CBC or CCC), tailored to the specific needs of government employees.

What They Say About Us

They chose us to reach their goals and they passed their French Exams. 

Bonjour Noé!

Je voulais t’annoncer que j’ai reçu le résultat de mon examen oral ce matin et j’ai obtenu le niveau C!

Merci beaucoup pour toute ton aide. J’ai apprécié tous tes conseils qui m’ont aidée à me préparer.  Sans eux, je n’aurais pas eu autant de succès

À la prochaine!

E, Agence des services frontaliers du Canada/ Canada Border Services Agency 

What to expect:

We provide an Intensive training for written tests and oral evaluation in the second language. 

  • Through carefully selected themes, documents, and exercises, we’ll navigate through French language to meet the  requirements of the tests 
  • You will take mock written comprehension and expression tests & simulations of oral exam.
  • You’ll receive Individual follow-up and personalized advice.
  • You will deepen your language and lexical skills through varied oral activities.
  • You will have a wider vocabulary related to work and the Canadian public service. 

Admission requirements 

  • If complete beginner : a minimum of 80 hours of French classes (if intense homework & effort are provided on the student’s side) to 200 hours to reach level B1.1 and qualify for the lower threshold of level BBB are necesary 
  • Objectif BBB: minimum B1.1 
  • Objectif CBC: minimum B1.4 
  • Objectif CCC: minimum B2.4

Keep in mind that an absolute minimum of 10 hours is always required to prepare for the exams; depending on your current level, plan for more hours (between 11 to 60+ hours. Decreasing prices available). These exams have a logic of their own & therefore need a precise preparation. 


For Grammar lessons : group lessons (up to 3 students) are available, under the condition that all the students have a comparable French level. 20 hours minimum

For Exam Coaching session: 1:1 Coaching sessions only.

1:1 Exams Coaching Sessions

SLE Course (Grammar lessons)​

Understand examiners' expectations

Understand the tasks perfecly

Confidence on exam day

Improved writing and speaking skills

The Benefits

You will:

  • Understand the examiners’ expectations 
  • Understand the exam and get the strategic tips to hack these tasks. 
  • Be prepared for the big day : phonetics, grammar, vocabulary
  • Get the confidence needed to overcome any exam situation

What They Say About Us

They chose us to reach their goals and they passed their French Exams. 

Bonjour Noé,

J’ai passé mon examen oral mardi et j’ai obtenu un niveau C!! Merci pour toute ton soutien et aide, cela n’aurait pas été pas possible sans toi.

Un gros merci!!

A., Health Canada / Santé Canada

Allô Noé !

J’ai réussi! 😊  J’ai obtenu ma note aujourd’hui et j’étais content de voir la lettre « C ». Merci encore pour toute ton aide!  Pendant l’examen, et surtout lors des dernières questions d’opinion, j’étais beaucoup plus proactif en démontrant mes capacités en français – sans toi et tes conseils, je n’aurais pas fait cela, sans doute!

Alors, merci encore! 

K., Ottawa 


Je vous remercie pour l’aide que vous m’avez apportée au cours des deux derniers mois. J’ai des nouvelles concernant mes deux examens : j’ai obtenu deux « C » en compréhension écrite et en grammaire.


Merci beaucoup!

D, Ottawa

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